If you’ve never tried raw milk, today is certainly just as good a day as any to start!
There are plenty of reasons why you should swap to raw, farm-fresh milk, if you have a farm near you, or if you can afford to travel to one you trust. Here are a few of our favorite reasons why we transitioned to a raw milk farm and why we love drinking raw milk:
Farming as it Should Be
As Christians, we believe that having respect for animals, taking care of the land, and providing people with a whole and nutritious food is the real way to farm. By selling directly to our customers and working on our own, instead of with a company allows us to ensure we provide you with the best quality and purest form of milk that is out there.
Nutritious and Delicious
Milk is packed with nutrients like protein and healthy fats that encourage metabolism, bone health, and muscle recovery. Another important but frequently overlooked benefit of milk are the micronutrients and enzymes that help with nutrient breakdown and absorption, as well as promoting overall health and wellbeing. When milk is processed, you damage some of the proteins, fats, and enzymes which takes away some of the hidden value of milk.
Raw Milk is Easier to Digest
Milk is the food that mamas give their babies, and in cows, babies are born without fully developed stomachs so their food has to be easy to digest. As mentioned above, there are enzymes and other factors in raw milk that are designed to help the milk be digested. When milk is pasteurized and homogenized you kill the enzymes that are there to help you digest milk. Raw milk has those enzymes and undamaged proteins and fats which are easier for our bodies to recognize and absorb, while also getting help to break down lactose. Did you know many people who see symptoms of lactose intolerance often don’t have a problem drinking raw milk?
People Want To Drink It
This is really where our raw milk story began. We found that there was an overwhelming number of people in our area that were looking for fresh milk. Aside from the health benefits, you just can’t beat the taste!
Our Milk is Safe
One common concern that people have when considering raw milk is safety. Afterall, a high-fat, high-protein food, with lots of water is perfect for bacteria right? Our philosophy is that in order for bacteria to grow in milk, they have to get there first. We follow strict sanitation protocols with our equipment and our animals to make sure our milk and the bottles we use are clean and safe to store milk in. We also have milk from each cow tested regularly so we know that all of our animals are healthy, and there is no risk of getting sick from our milk.
If you’d like more information on raw milk resources, or our farm, or to order raw milk, feel free to reach out to us at orders@freedomhillfarm.net.